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Welcome From Pastor Butler  


Thank you for the opportunity to introduce you to our church. You will quickly discover that our church is passionate about people becoming all that God has called them to be.

At WORD Fellowship Church, we welcome all people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. God created every person on the planet with great potential and He seeks to see that potential maximized in our lives.   As pastor of a local church, we desire to see people the way that God does.  We desire to empower people through sound biblical preaching and teaching that is relevant and practical. Our atmosphere will shift during our authentic and powerful worship experience.


Although we get excited about coming together for Sunday services, you will realize that we are much more than a church that meets on Sunday. In fact, we are a church who focuses on building strong families and building genuine relationships. And if that is you, you will be glad to know there are opportunities to do so by joining one of our small groups.


As a church family, we are striving to be the kind of church described in the Bible, where there is practical teaching, passionate worship, good fellowship and consistent prayer. We want to meet people right where they are and help them get to where God wants them to be.

We want you to know, you matter to us because you matter to God. I look forward to personally meeting you!



-Pastor Kevin Butler

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